St. Patrick's weekend is the most vibrant and exciting time to be in Dublin. It is a festival of green as the Irish return to the capital from far and wide to celebrate the day of St. Patrick, The patron saint of Ireland. But its not just the Irish. People flock from all around the globe to the Dublin St. Patrick's Festival, held over three consecutive days every year. The biggest and best celebration for the saint and on everyone's bucket list.
St.Patricks Day at Isaacs hostel

St. Patrick’s Day at Isaacs hostel is usually a raucous  affai  and we hope you will be getting involved in all the festivities!Dublin festivals in March

St.Patrick's day at Isaacs HostelTo get you in the Paddy’s mode we will be serving up the famous Irish crisp sandwich with a dash of Guinness from 7pm on Thursday 16th March.

Then on Paddy’s Day everything will be going green. including our guests with Free face painting from 9am-11am in Isaacs Hostel on the morning of St. Patrick’s Day, the 17th of March. You then have just enough time to get out to the fantastic St. Patrick’s Day festival parade which comes down O’Connell Street and across the river. Musicians, dancers, costumes, and floats will flood the streets with colour as thousands of onlookers cheer and sing.

We love to see you guys having fun but sadly, we will be inside working, So we want to see all of your photos please. Tag us with your best St. Patrick’s day InstaSt.Patricks Day at Isaacs hostelgram photos with the tag #paddysisaacs or Snapchat your Paddy’s story. 

There will be daily surprises for the best photos throughout the weekend . There will also be a unique St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock Photo Booth at Isaacs  Hostel so you can get in the frame and share your photo so you can share the craic on the best day of the year in Dublin We’ll be giving out loads of prizes for our favourites including traditional Irish tin whistles and packs of Guinness.

Like us on Facebook, mention us on Twitter, tag us on Instagram or follow our story on Snapchat . We want to see all the fun you guys are having and so do your friends. They’ll be so jealous! #Isaacshosteldublin

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