aupairs in Ireland
Longitude Festival Dublin
where’s north from ‘ere?

Longitude goes up and down… right? The Longitude Festival Dublin which happens in Marley Park this July will be an event where, unlike latitude where you have to give some, you will indeed get some. And what a line up there is, including old timers Kraftwerk and newcomers such as Jake Bugg who we are liking very much in the hostels here…the Yeah Yeah Yeahs who we adore have a bit to prove what with a poor new album release.

The gaffer here tells the story of seeing Kraftwerk in the Manchester Velodrome a few years ago performing their hit Tour de France while the British Olympic winning cycling team were cycling around them on the cycling track that is the Velodrome’s main draw… At least he thinks they were Kraftwerk, three guys standing on a stage with helmets over their heads tapping away at laptops would most definitely not be mistaken for Vampire weekend but they could have been a few Mancunians having a giggle. The Manc phrase “Surreal my arse!” springs to mind…

A slightly different event from Longitude Festival however he says they were not half bad…and it was kind of, sort of, a 3D experience.

Suffice to say with the Foals, Kodaline, The Villagers, Hot Chip, The Maccabees as well as Django Django to name a few of the bands tipping away at their trade, Longitude Festival Dublin, which kicks off for three days and nights from the 19th of July promises to be a pretty lively affair even if you cannot forgive the, let’s face it, silly title for a gig. Silly or not we’ll be there…

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