Ireland View

Ireland: large where it counts

Newgrange In terms of it’s size Ireland appears merely just a drop in the ocean compared to other nations. Ireland, however reaches far beyond the limits of it’s landmass to provide an experience filled with variety and wonder.
For example, Ireland has an area of just 84,421KM but still easily boasts more accents per square kilometre than any other nation. I’m not talking about slight differences here and there, I mean I drive 20/30 minutes in any direction and ask a local for directions and I won’t be able to understand a word of what they say and I’m from here! You don’t even have to venture out into the countryside to experience this Irish Phenomenon. Walk for even just ten minutes from the Northside to the Southside of the city and listen to how the shrill streetwise Northside accent morphs into the privately schooled drawl of Southern Dublin.

kilmainham jailWhile being a tiny nation we’ve managed to achieve a level of recognition and notoriety not experienced by many nations considerably larger than ourselves. We may only have a population that strains to reach 6 million including our brothers in the north, that’s less than the population of some capital cities. There are however millions of Irish people living in almost every corner of the world, some with ancestry that date back to the mass migration during the famine and some left as long ago as yesterday. As a result there aren’t many places in the world where you won’t find an Irish pub or an Irish person drinking in one. St Patrick’s Day which was originally a religious holiday has since become a celebration of everything and anything Irish and is celebrated all over the world with parades in places as far a field as Japan. It’s not many nations that have a national holiday dedicated to them and celebrated all over the world. We’re brilliant!
Cliffs of Moher For a small Island we punch well above our weight boasting some of the highest sea cliffs in all of Europe, the largest enclosed park in all of Europe, and the largest unpopulated prison in all of Europe. Not just one but two UNESCO world heritage sites. We play hurling which is the fastest and for my money the most entertaining field game in the world. Last but definitely not least is the Newgrange burial tomb which is actually older than the great pyramids. Suck it Egypt!!! Oh and we also have the friendliest hostel in the world.! ; )
So in short, Ireland is a small nation with a big personality and even bigger possibilities, so come discover Ireland it won’t take long but the memories will last forever.

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