Dublin festivals in March

Dublin festivals in March

Dublin festivals in March Dublin in March is full of promise; the Days are getting longer the Daffodils are out. Pasty faced Dubliners everywhere are emerging from Hibernation (or the pub) to welcome in the spring!. Here’s Isaacs Hostel pick of some Dublin festivals in March for Film buffs, book and music lovers plus a […]

Dublin in December

Christmas in Dublin

Dublin in December Visiting Isaacs hostel and looking for inspiration as to what to do in Dublin in December ? Here are some of the December events in Dublin for 2016 which we think are are worth checking out. From shopping, to gigs,to churches and icy festive swims there is something for everyone! Dublin Alternative Christmas Market […]

What’s on in Dublin October?

What’s on in Dublin October? So looking to make the most of your stay in Dublin while staying with us at Isaacs hostel in October?  If you have not been to Dublin before we suggest that you take our free walking tour of the city which leaves Isaacs around 10.15 am every day. This will […]

What to do in Dublin in September ?

what to do in Dublin in September

What to do in Dublin in September? September is one of our favourite months in Dublin at Isaacs hostel. The tourists have thinned out a little, you can be sure an Indian summer will arrive once all the Kids go back to school  (they call it Murphy’s Law!) and really good festivals are in full swing. […]

What to do Dublin August 2018

rock n roll marathon Dublin near isaacs hostel

Looking for what to do in Dublin in August 2018. There are stacks of events in Dublin this August that the crew at Isaacs Hostel would recommend . Events include Beatyard ,the Rock n roll half marathon,  the Big Grill festival and hundreds of free events during the National Heritage week. In Dublin there’s always […]



What’s on in Dublin in March? Discover some of the main Dublin March events we found for you.    Dublin St Patrick’s Festival                                                                  […]

Top reasons to visit Dublin 2016

easterrising topreasonstocometoDublinin

‘’Andy, write a blog on the top reasons to visit Dublin in 2016.’’ ‘’Eh, because it’s Dublin? We still have all the Guinness? The lads are all still playing the music right?” So apparently, that doesn’t suffice. Needless to say though you don’t need a reason to come to Dublin. The nightlife, culture and beauty […]

2016 Dublin Festivals

longitude frstival

As ever Dublin will be playing host to some of the best festivals in Europe this year. Here is Danilo’s guide to all Dublin has to offer in terms of festivals this summer. Longitude Festival                                          […]


holiday world show Dublin

Jameson Dublin International Film Festival                                                                                                      […]

December events in Dublin

New Year's Festival Dublin

Staying in Dublin this December? Looking for inspiration? Here’s some of the main December events in Dublin for 2015 which our hostellers love.   I BELIEVE™ Christmas Village                                                            […]